New and changed integrations released in 2023.

VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) continuously adds new integrations to the existing set, and improves available integrations.

This document lists new and changed integrations for 2023. For earlier releases, see New and Changed Integrations in 2022, New and Changed Integrations in 2021, and New and Changed Integrations in 2019-2020.

December 2023

We made improvements to the following integrations in December 2023:

  • Kubernetes and related integrations – Removed the Helm and manual installation instructions from all Kubernetes-based integrations, such as AWS Appmesh, Cassandra, Ceph, .Net Core, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, GemFire, Istio, Kafka, NVIDIA, RabbitMQ, Redis,TSM, and Velero.

  • Tanzu Application Service – Fixed an issue with the Error Rate chart in the Workload Monitoring dashboard.
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration – Removed the limit() function from the queries in the VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integration system dashboards, because this function may return No Data.

We updated the following integrations to support VMware Cloud Services access token authentication when your Operations for Applications service is onboarded to VMware Cloud services.

  • Chef Server

    This is a new Chef Server integration that supports VMware Cloud Services access token authentication.

  • Micrometer

October 2023

We deprecated a number of integrations in October 2023, and moved these integrations to the Archived section:

  • Azure Deployment Manager
  • Ansible Role
  • AVI Networks (NSX ALB)
  • AWS Lambda Functions
  • CollectD
  • Data Platforms
  • FreeBSD Host
  • Metricproxy
  • OpenBSD Host
  • VMware Blockchain
  • VMware tc Server
  • Chef Server
  • nodejs

Also, we made improvements to the following integrations in October 2023:

  • Kubernetes:

    • Fixed the alert query of the K8s node unhealthy system alert.
    • Removed the limit() function from the queries in the Kubernetes integration system dashboards, because this function may return No Data.
    • Removed thresholds from the K8s pod CPU usage too high system alert.
    • Updated the Kubernetes Workloads Troubleshooting dashboard overview with information about the Operator compatibility.
  • Tanzu Application Service - Updated the Error Rate per Minute chart in the Workload Monitoring dashboard to include the 4xx and 5xx HTTP request error counts.
  • Operations for Applications Usage – Enabled the Include Obsolete Metrics option for all charts in the Operations for Applications Service and Proxy Data dashboard.
  • VMware GemFire – Updated the queries of the GemFire system alerts with new prefixes.
  • Go – Removed references of deprecated SDKs.
  • C Sharp – Removed references of deprecated libraries.

In addition, we updated the following integrations to support VMware Cloud Services access token authentication when your Operations for Applications service is onboarded to VMware Cloud services.

  • Catchpoint
  • Nagios
  • Uptime

August 2023

We made improvements to the following integrations in August 2023:

  • vSphere:

    • Updated a query in the vSphere: VM Details dashboard, which uses the limit() function, because this function may return No Data. The limit () function is replaced by count ().

    • Added a new vSphere: VMware vSAN dashboard that allows you to monitor detailed metrics about vSAN.

  • Tanzu Service Mesh – Updated a query in the Tanzu Service Mesh: Workload Summary dashboard, which uses the limit() function, because this function may return No Data. The limit () function is replaced by count ().

  • AWS App Mesh – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.

  • Velero – Added setup instructions to the integration. To see how to set up the Velero integration:

    1. Log in to your service instance.
    2. Click Integrations on the toolbar.
    3. Search for Velero and click its tile.
    4. Click the Setup tab.
  • Tanzu Application Service – We added support for Tanzu Application Service setup when your Operations for Applications service is onboarded to VMware Cloud services.

  • Kubernetes:
    • We added new alerts templates.
    • We added a new dashboard Kubernetes Workloads Troubleshooting which allows you to monitor the health of the Kubernetes workloads. To use this dashboard, maker sure that you use the Observability for Kubernetes Operator version 2.10.0 and later.
    • We added support for Kubernetes setup when your Operations for Applications service is onboarded to VMware Cloud services.
    • We now support a number of integrations on Kubernetes. The list includes: Cassandra, Ceph, Envoy Proxy, etcd, Fluentd, Kafka, NVIDIA, Rabbit MQ, and Redis.
  • Operations for Applications Usage – Made bug fixes to the Committed Rate vs Monthly Usage (PPS P95) for Billable and Usage (PPS) vs Remaining Balance (PPS P95) for Burndown dashboards.

  • Fluentd – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Ceph – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • .NET Core – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Docker with cAdvisor – Updated the setup steps and instructions.
  • Tanzu Service Mesh – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.

July 2023

We made improvements to the following integrations in July 2023:

  • Google Cloud Platform:
    • You can select to ingest Google Cloud Platform histogram metrics and filter these metrics by their Google Cloud Platform grouping functions such as Count, Mean, and Standard Deviation. To do so, when you register or edit your Google Cloud Platform integration, enable Histogram metrics ingestion, select Custom and select to ingest certain histogram metrics based on the listed Google Cloud Platform grouping functions. When you select a grouping function, only the histogram metrics with the respective grouping function will be ingested. If you deselect all check boxes, all histogram metrics will be ingested.
    • You can now select to ingest Google Cloud Run metrics. To do so, when you register or edit your Google Cloud Platform integration, in the Categories to fetch section, select Custom and select the Cloud Run check box.
  • Amazon Web Services - You can now select to ingest Amazon Web Services Usage metrics. To do so, when you register or edit your CloudWatch integration, in the Products section, select Custom and select the AWS Usage check box.
  • Kafka – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Redis – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • etcd – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Cassandra – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • NVIDIA – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • VMware GemFire – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator. Also updated some of the dashboard queries to a new format.
  • Uptime – Updated the integration with the new Uptime logo.
  • Windows Host – The setup steps now use a URL parameter in the Wavefront proxy configuration.
  • Operations for Applications Usage – Fixed issues in the predefined dashboards.
  • Terraform Provider – Fixed a discrepancy in the Terraform resource_alert provider resulting in erroneous Terraform change plan.

May 2023

We made improvements to the following integrations in May 2023:

  • Istio – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Envoy Proxy – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • RabbitMQ – Updated the setup steps and instructions. You can now set up the integration and the Kubernetes Metrics Collector by using the Observability for Kubernetes Operator.
  • Tanzu Application Service – Made updates to the TAS: Nozzle Troubleshooting and the TAS: Workload Monitoring dashboards, as well as to the TAS UAA Latency is Elevated alert.
    • Updated the latency queries because now we emit latency as a histogram.
    • Updated the TAS: Nozzle Troubleshooting dashboard to show points used by histograms.
  • Improved the documentation on how to use regular expressions for the following list of integrations:

March 2023

Logs (Beta) Related Changes:

We have made an improvement to the AWS integration:

  • Amazon Web Services –- Now contains AWS CloudWatch Logs Setup (Beta) instructions. If Logs (Beta) is enabled for you, you can set up your AWS integration to send logs to Operations for Applications. For details on our Logs (Beta) feature, see Get Started with Logs (Beta). For details on how to set up the integration, see Setup for Ingesting AWS CloudWatch Logs (Beta).

We added the following integration in March 2023:

  • .NET Core

    The .NET Core is a general-purpose, most versatile framework that may be used to build software applications for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. This integration installs and configures the Kubernetes Metrics Collector to collect the .NET Core performance metrics and uses the Wavefront proxy for sending those metrics to the service.

We made improvements to the following integrations in March 2023:

  • Log Data – Log Data – Updated the integration overview and setup steps to include information about the Logs (Beta) solution.
  • Filebeat – Made updates to the integration overview and the setup steps.

  • Tanzu Application Service:

    • Improved descriptions of dashboards and charts.
    • Added new charts.
    • Made improvements to CPU queries in dashboards for additional accuracy and consistency.
    • Excluded Platform MySQL from charts on the MySQL Service dashboard, because this dashboard is only for MySQL broker and service instances.
  • Kubernetes – Fixed validation errors in several Kubernetes system dashboards.
  • Catchpoint – Improved the Catchpoint service to validate the credentials before caching them.
  • Amazon Web Services – Made improvements to provide the dedicated thread pool to complete the AWS related tasks.
  • Microsoft Azure – Made improvements to cache the metric name properly and handle a missing data issue.
  • Spring Boot – Updated the Spring Boot integration with the steps for Spring Boot 3, and updated the doc links.

February 2023

We made improvements to the following integration in February 2023:

  • Amazon Web Services – With the 2023-07.x release, you can use the Custom Namespace(s) text box to additionally filter the list of AWS products for which you want to monitor metrics by using the CloudWatch integration. For more information about how to use this text box and monitor metrics from services that are not part of the Products list in the GUI, see Configuring CloudWatch Data Ingestion and How to Use the Metric Allow List and the Products List.

January 2023

We made improvements to the following integrations in January 2023:

  • Amazon Web Services – You can now ingest and monitor AWS Lambda cold start metrics. For information about how to do this, see Ingesting AWS Lambda Cold Start Metrics into VMware Aria Operations for Applications.

  • ServiceNow – We updated the instructions on how to set up the integration to reflect the latest UI changes.

  • Microsoft SQL Server – Updated the charts in the SQL Server Metrics dashboard to use the instance variables.

  • Operations for Applications Usage – Made fixes to the integration and now dashboards are populated with data depending on your type of contract (Billable vs. Burndown).

  • Tanzu Application Service – Made updates to the TAS system alerts and removed some of the alerts that are no longer needed, such as:
    • TAS Active Locks Alerts
    • TAS BOSH VM CPU Used
    • TAS BOSH VM Memory Used
  • Microsoft Azure – Added vCore charts and updated variables with common queries to the Azure SQL Database dashboard.

General improvements:

  • Metrics Charts – All charts that you see when you select a metric on the Metrics tab are now improved in terms of performance and are up-to-date with the latest UI.