Configure Wavefront proxy and Telegraf in a Docker container

VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) supports container proxy setup. This page discusses running a proxy and Telegraf agent as Docker containers, but the guidance (though not some specifics) applies to other container solutions as well.

Run a Proxy in a Docker Container

You can run a proxy in a Docker container by running one of the following commands:


Example: Run the Wavefront proxy in a container with a limit of 2 GB of memory:

docker run -d \
-e WAVEFRONT_URL=https://<myinstance> \
-e WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS='--<arg1> <value1> --<arg2> <value2>' \
-e JAVA_HEAP_USAGE="1650m"\
-m 2g \
-p 2878:2878 \

Example: Run the proxy with preprocessor rules by using the WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS. Specify the volume to use:

docker run \
-e WAVEFRONT_URL=https://<myinstance> \
-e WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS='--preprocessorConfigFile /etc/wavefront/wavefront-proxy/preprocessor_rules.yaml' \
-v </path/to/file>/preprocessor_rules.yaml:/etc/wavefront/wavefront-proxy/preprocessor_rules.yaml:ro \
-p 2878:2878 \


docker run -d\
-e WAVEFRONT_URL=https://<myinstance> \
-e WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS=''--<arg1> <value1> --<arg2> <value2>''\
-p 2878:2878


Authentication The WAVEFRONT_TOKEN is the Operations for Applications API token. The user account or service account associated with the API token must be assigned with the Proxies permission.
Configuration properties Use WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS to point to set configuration properties. You can specify more than one argument. '<--arg1> <value1> --<arg2> <value2>'
Service instance <myinstance> is the URL of your Operations for Applications service, for example,
Port The proxy uses port 2878 by default. The proxy config file supports setting explicit ports for different kinds of metrics.
Image Image to use. See Proxy Versions for Containers below.

Proxy Versions for Containers

For containers, the proxy image version is determined by the image property in the configuration file. You have these choices:

  • Use wavefronthq/proxy:latest for an image on dockerhub.
  • Use for an image on Harbor.
  • Specify a proxy version explicitly in the proxy configuration file.

The proxies are not stateful. Your configuration is managed in your yaml file. It’s safe to use proxy:latest – we ensure that proxies are backward compatible.

Restrict Memory Usage for a Wavefront Proxy as a Container

Without a memory limit, the JVM committed can commit up to the memory provisioned for the host. To restrict memory usage of the container using Docker, you need to add a JAVA_HEAP_USAGE environment variable and restrict memory using the -m or --memory options for the docker run command.

For example, to restrict a container’s memory usage to 2 GB with docker run:

docker run -d \
 -e JAVA_HEAP_USAGE="1650m" \
 -m 2g \

To limit memory usage of the container in Kubernetes use the resources.limits.memory property of a container definition. See the Kubernetes doc.

Customize Proxy Settings for Docker from the Command Line

When you run a Wavefront proxy inside a Docker container, you can tweak proxy configuration settings that are properties in the wavefront.conf file directly from the Docker run command (shown above).

During exploration, you can use the WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS environment variable and pass in one or more property names and values.

-e WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS="--pushRateLimit 1000 --ARG2 ARG_2_VALUE --ARG_N ARG_N_VALUE..."

For example, add -e WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS="--pushRateLimit 1000" to your docker run command to specify a rate limit of 1000 PPS for the proxy.

See the Advanced Proxy Configuration or the Wavefront Proxy configuration file on Github for a full list of configuration properties.

Log Customization for Docker Containers

By default, Wavefront proxy logs in Docker and Kubernetes are sent to std_out. You can customize logging by mounting a customized log4j2.xml file. Here’s an example for Docker:

--mount type=bind, src=<absolute_path>/log4j2.xml, dst=/etc/wavefront/wavefront-proxy/log4j2.xml

See Log Files for additional background.

Run Telegraf in a Docker Container

It usually makes sense to run both the proxy and Telegraf in a Docker container.

The following example passes the telegraf.conf file and any files (such as 10-wavefront.conf) that belong in the telegraf.d directory. ​

  1. Create a telegraf.conf file under <path/to/file>/telegraf.conf. Use for guidance.
  2. Create the 10-wavefront.conf file under <path/to/dir>/telegraf.d/ via the example configuration below . Refer to the wavefront#configuration information on Github as needed. ​

    Example file: 10-wavefront.conf
       url = "http://<WAVEFRONT_PROXY_SERVER>:2878"
       metric_separator = "."
       source_override = ["proxyname", "agent_host", "node_host"]
       convert_paths = true
  3. Run the Telegraf agent with the specified configuration settings:

     docker run -d \
     -v <path/to/file>/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf \
     -v <path/to/dir>/telegraf.d:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d telegraf \
     --config-directory /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d \


  • To view std_out logs of the Wavefront proxy container for the last one hour and follow them going forward, run this command:
    ~$ docker logs --follow --since 60m <container_name>

    Errors with the container with WAVEFRONT_PROXY_ARGS will be logged as the container starts.

  • WAVEFRONT_URL and WAVEFRONT_TOKEN are required parameters for the container to start.

Configure a Containerized Wavefront Proxy with an HTTPS Proxy

In many environments, traffic goes through an HTTPS proxy before going to the internet. Sometimes, the HTTPS proxy requires that its clients use a site-specific CA-signed certificate. In that case, those certificates (in PEM format) must be imported into the trust store of the Wavefront proxy.

  • The HTTPS proxy can run in a container or anywhere else.
  • The HTTPS proxy must include CA signed certificates.
  • The Wavefront proxy must have those certificates (PEM files) as well.

Both HTTP/HTTPS proxy and Wavefront proxy are secured

To add the CA certificates of the HTTPS proxy to the Wavefront proxy that runs in the Docker container:

  1. Place all PEM files in one directory.
  2. Mount that directory as volume /tmp/ca on the Docker deployment

Example: Run a command like the following for testing (see the Docker documentation for the command in production environments):

docker run -it -e WAVEFRONT_URL=xxxxxxx -e WAVEFRONT_TOKEN=xxxxxx -p 2878:2878 -v /Users/user42/wavefront/ca_certs_test/to_docker:/tmp/ca proxy

You must specify:

  • WAVEFRONT_URL: The URL of your Operations for Applications service (e.g.,
  • WAVEFRONT_TOKEN is the Operations for Applications API token. The user account or service account associated with the API token must be assigned with the Proxies permission.
  • The port that the proxy is using; 2878 by default.