Pages labeled with .

Learn how to administer users and permissions, and monitor your product service.

Managing Access to Dashboards and Alerts Control access to individual dashboards and alerts.
Manage Service Accounts Create and manage service accounts.
Manage User Accounts Create and manage user accounts.
Single-Tenant Authentication and Self-Service SAML SSO Learn how to enable single-tenant authentication and set up self-service SSO.
Authentication Model Learn about the authentication for user and service accounts.
Multi-Tenant Authentication Learn how to enable multi-tenant authentication.
Authorization Model Learn about authorization of groups and users.
Authorization FAQ Before you start managing users, groups, roles, and access, here are some FAQs.
Examine Your Overall Usage Monitor the overall usage of your service instance.
Monitor Usage with Ingestion Policies Monitor ingestion rates by policies and configure ingestion limits with alerts.
Integrations Overview Learn how to customize a built-in integration and how to set up a custom integration.
Showing Dashboards on Large-Screen Displays Display Wavefront dashboards on one or more large-screen, read-only displays
Metrics and the Metrics Browser Understand metrics structure and how to explore metrics in the Metrics Browser
Finding Ingestion and Query Problems Understand how out-of-the-box dashboards and tools help you find problems
Monitor Wavefront Proxies Learn how to monitor Wavefront proxies.
Permissions Reference Learn about the permissions in the service.
Purchase Additional Capacity Learn how to add capacity to your current VMware Aria Operations for Applications subscription.
Security Policy Rules Use security policies to control access to metrics, such as time series, histograms, RED metrics, and delta counters, as well as traces.
Monitor the Status of Your Service Monitor for incidents and maintenance on your service.
Sources Learn about sources and how to manage them.
Track Alerts, Users, and Dashboards in Operations for Applications Learn how you can track the alerts, users, and dashboards in your service instance.
Manage Roles, Groups, and Permissions Manage global permissions with roles.
Administer Your Service Instance Understand what you can do if you have administrative privileges.
Wavefront Errors and Resolution Wavefront errors and suggested actions to resolve them.
Service Internal Metrics VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) collects internal metrics that are used extensively in the different dashboards of the Operations for Applications Usage integration.
Limits and Best Practices Limits and recommendations to promote efficient resource use.
Monitor Your Service with the Operations for Applications Usage Integration Monitor and troubleshoot your service instance and see points per second information.
Use Wavefront Top or Spy to Investigate Traffic Use HTTP endpoints to get samples data or IDs, or use wftop to examine them with a keyboard-driven UI.
Operations for Applications Pricing Summary of pricing information.
Security Understand how VMware Aria Operations for Applications secures your data and supports fine-tuning security for your cluster.
Improve PPS Usage and Prevent Overage Find actionable usage information and learn how to improve PPS.