Learn about predefined alerts, code examples, and more.

The VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ Integration enables operators to provision, operate, and manage enterprise-grade Kubernetes clusters. The integration itself includes an Overview and Setup instructions.

On this page, we list predefined alerts and give other details about the integration.

Predefined Alerts for the Integration

The Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integration provides the following monitoring alerts for PKS. These alerts are predefined, no additional setup is required. You can create additional alerts from the Alerts browser or from charts in the VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) GUI.

NameSeverityResolve After (min)
Node Memory Usage high WARN 10
Node Memory Usage too high SEVERE 10
Node CPU Usage high WARN 5
Node CPU Usage too high SEVERE 5
Node Storage Usage high WARN 10
Node Storage Usage too high SEVERE 10
Too many Pods crashing SEVERE 5
Too many Containers not running SEVERE 5
Node unhealthy SEVERE 5

Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Monitoring Dashboards

VMware Aria Operations for Applications includes several predefined dashboards for monitoring Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. You can use these dashboards as is, or clone and customize them.

We support dashboards for major functionality including:

  • Home dashboard
  • Nodes dashboard
  • Namespaces dashboard
  • Deployments dashboard
  • Pods dashboard
  • Pod containers dashboard
  • Services and Replication Sets dashboard

To see the full set of dashboards, log in your product instance (https://<example>.wavefront.com).


The Wavefront proxy pod includes four containers.

  • The Kubernetes Metrics Collector monitors your worker kubelets and sends the result to the proxy.
  • Telegraf receives metrics about the node, pod, and container status from kube-state-metrics, and sends those metrics to the Wavefront proxy as well.


VMware Aria Operations for Applications runs a Wavefront proxy pod inside each Kubernetes cluster created by Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. There are four containers within the Wavefront proxy pod.

Troubleshooting the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration

401 Unauthorized Error

This error results if tile deployment fails when running the wavefront-alert-creation errand with 401 Unauthorized, the wavefront-access-token is invalid.

No such host/no route to host Error

If you receive a no such host/no route to host error, check that the wavefront-api-server can connect to the Internet, as follows:

curl -s 'https://vmware.wavefront.com/api/v2/source‘ \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 1d23d456-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-f123f12b1c21'| jq .

No Metrics

If you see no metrics in the dashboards, possible causes are:

  • 401 unauthorized: check wavefront-access-token validity
  • Network connectivity to wavefront-api-server

Check the status of the wavefront-proxy pod:

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl describe pod wavefront-proxy-pod-name -n kube-system

Check wavefront-proxy pod logs:

kubectl logs wavefront-proxy-pod-name -n kube-system -c wavefront-proxy
kubectl logs wavefront-proxy-pod-name -n kube-system -c wavefront-collector
kubectl logs wavefront-proxy-pod-name -n kube-system -c kube-state-metrics