Learn about the Apache HTTP Integration.

This page provides an overview of what you can do with the Apache HTTP integration. The documentation pages only for a limited number of integrations contain the setup steps and instructions. If you do not see the setup steps here, navigate to the Operations for Applications GUI. The detailed instructions for setting up and configuring all integrations, including the Apache HTTP integration are on the Setup tab of the integration.

  1. Log in to your Operations for Applications instance.
  2. Click Integrations on the toolbar, search for and click the Apache HTTP tile.
  3. Click the Setup tab and you will see the most recent and up-to-date instructions.

Apache HTTP Server Integration

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular open source web server. This integration installs and configures Telegraf to send Apache HTTP Server metrics to Tanzu Observability. Telegraf is a light-weight server process capable of collecting, processing, aggregating, and sending metrics to a Wavefront proxy.

In addition to setting up the metrics flow, this integration also sets up a dashboard.





Information about server activity and performance. Metrics descriptions are collected from the mod_status Apache Module.

Metric Name Description
apache.BusyWorkers Number of workers that are serving requests.
apache.BytesPerReq Number of bytes per request.
apache.BytesPerSec Number of bytes transferred per second.
apache.CPUChildrenSystem Jiffs used in User Mode by child processes.
apache.CPUChildrenUser Jiffs used in System Mode by child processes.
apache.CPULoad CPU load of your HTTP server.
apache.CPUSystem CPU processes in System mode.
apache.CPUUser CPU used by the user process.
apache.ConnsAsyncClosing Number of asynchronous connections that are closing.
apache.ConnsAsyncKeepAlive Number of asynchronous connections that are kept alive.
apache.ConnsAsyncWriting Number of asynchronous connections that are writing.
apache.ConnsTotal Total number of connections served by Apache.
apache.IdleWorkers Number of workers that are idling.
apache.Load1 Server load over last 1 minute.
apache.Load15 Server load over last 15 minutes.
apache.Load5 Server load over last 5 minutes.
apache.ParentServerConfigGeneration Number of times the Apache server reread config and restarted child processes.
apache.ParentServerMPMGeneration Number of times the Apache server reread the MPG config and restarted child processes.
apache.ReqPerSec Number of requests per second.
apache.ServerUptimeSeconds Server uptime (in seconds).
apache.TotalAccesses Total number of accesses.
apache.TotalkBytes Number of kilobytes served.
apache.Uptime Total uptime of the server.
apache.accesses.total.counter Total number of times this server was accessed.
apache.cpuload.gauge CPU load for this server.
apache.exporter.build.info.gauge Apache exporter build information.
apache.scboard.closing Number of worker threads that are closing a TCP connection (after serving a response).
apache.scboard.dnslookup Number of worker threads currently performing a DNS lookup.
apache.scboard.finishing Number of worker threads finishing (part of server shutdown).
apache.scboard.idle.cleanup Number of idle worker threads that are ready for cleanup.
apache.scboard.keepalive Number of worker threads that keep the connection alive (expecting another request on the same connection).
apache.scboard.logging Number of worker threads writing to the log file.
apache.scboard.open Number of open worker slots.
apache.scboard.reading Number of workers receiving requests.
apache.scboard.sending Number of workers sending responses.
apache.scboard.starting Number of workers in the process of starting.
apache.scboard.waiting Number of workers waiting for incoming requests.
apache.scoreboard.gauge Scoreboard gauge.
apache.sent.kilobytes.total.counter Total number of kilobytes sent.
apache.up.gauge Shows whether server could be reached.
apache.uptime.seconds.total.counter Total uptime, in seconds.
apache.workers.gauge Apache worker status.